Past Events

Past Events


10月19-20日(周六至周日)在Fort Worth西南的Riverbend Retreat Center的培靈退修會,邀請到了達拉斯神學院的Pastor Shyu以及做夫妻關係、親子教育的刘爱俭傳道做講員,同時會安排時間供大家討論教會事工的開展,請點擊鏈接報名。 Fall revival retreat at Riverbend Retreat Center southwest of Fort Worth on October 19-20 (Saturday to Sunday). Pastor Shyu from DTS and Minister Aijian Liu who is an expert in marriage and children education will be the invited speakers.…


“海上生明月,天涯共此时” 大学城华人圣经教会诚挚邀请您参加中秋迎新聚会!時間是9月14號星期六晚上6點到8點30分。 让我们新朋老友一起赏明月,品美食,话友情,同享上帝大爱,传扬天国福音!請用海報上的QR code 或以下的 link 報名。 The College Station Chinese Bible Church sincerely invites our new and old friends to attend our Fall Welcoming Party  (Saturday 9/14/24 from 6 to 8:30 PM).  Come and enjoy good food, friendship, and gospel fellowship with us. Please…