感謝神的保守與賜福,教會2024年10月19至20日在Riverbend Retreat Center舉行了秋季培靈退修會,徐偉智牧師的關於基督徒末世事奉觀以及刘爱俭傳道培養健全的孩子的信息為弟兄姐妹與福音朋友們帶來了屬靈的盛宴,大家都很有得著。退修會也通過戶外活動增進了弟兄姐妹朋友們間的關係。Thanks to God that the church held the Fall revival retreat at Riverbend Retreat Center on October 19-20,2024. All attendees were fed with and enjoyed the messages by Pastor Edward Shyu on Christian’s serving and Minister Aijian Liu on raising up all-round children and becomes closer in relationship through the outdoor activities at the retreat.